Updated : Sep 13, 2021 in Write for us

How Do Manufacturers Store and Preserve Cannabis?

Storing cannabis has always been an issue. Even with all of the cannabis cultivation companies, post-harvest cannabis research is extremely restricted. There is not much information available. You’ve probably heard a lot of cannabis aficionados and storage firms say what they think are the best practices, but the truth is that those recommendations aren’t always accurate.

There is a lot of data available for ideal cannabis preservation procedures, but the truth is that none of them have been backed up by scientific research. We do know that four factors influence cannabis quality: light, temperature, humidity, and air. 

Light influences both the speed and the stoichiometry of this conversion, while temperature just affects the speed delta 8 thc carts. Let’s have a look at various storage methods from a manufacturer’s point of view.

How Long Does Cannabis Stay Fresh? 

Carefully made herbal or resin cannabis or extracts are reasonably stable for 1 to 2 years if stored in the dark at room temperature, according to the research. THC degrades to CBN as hemp ages and dries, resulting in less powerful cannabis. Terpenes decay as well, causing the herb to taste stale and lose its complex aroma. 

Cannabis may produce mold if the environment is too warm and damp, which can be dangerous if consumed. So, due to various health reasons, manufacturers have to take preventive measures in order to avoid the production of mold.

Factors Affecting Cannabis Storage

Following factors affect the quality of stored cannabis. Hence, for providing the ideal conditions, manufacturers regulate these factors in storage facilities.

  • Humidity

To keep mildew and other mold pollutants away from cannabis, humidity control is essential. Maintaining and enhancing color, consistency, aroma, and flavor when storing cannabis in a controlled environment with the right relative humidity (RH) ranges might be a bit of a balancing act, but the general opinion is to keep cannabis between 59 percent and 63 percent RH when stored. Mold does not occur below 65%.

  • Air Control

While cannabis requires oxygen during growth and curing, keeping it fresh and true to its natural form requires storing it in a container with exactly the proper quantity of air. If the buds are not entirely dried before storage, having too little air can have a significant impact on relative humidity. 

On the other hand, too much air will hasten the decomposition of cannabinoids and other organic matter by exposing them to oxygen.

Nowadays, to preserve cannabis for commercial purposes, manufacturers use LPE canning machines to store cannabis in nitrogen-filled cans. 

  • Temperature

When it comes to cannabis storage, a cold, dark, and dry environment is preferable. The back of a cabinet or closet is a good spot for storage jars. The degradation of THC to CBN, as well as a loss of flavor from degraded terpenes, can cause marijuana to lose potency due to heat, light, and even exposure to oxygen in the air.

Preferred Containers to Store Cannabis

  1. Airtight Glass Jar

When it comes to cannabis storage, the Mason jar is one of the most popular and efficient options. They’re airtight, and glass is nonporous and sturdy, so they’re ideal for preserving fragrances and flavor while preventing damage to your delicate buds during storage. It’s just as vital to pick the correct jar size. 

To avoid trapping excess air and humidity, buds should loosely fill three-quarters of the jar. It’s important to remember that too much air is harmful. Create a tight seal by using an inexpensive vacuum sealer to remove even more air. Because light is bad for the buds, it is recommended to keep them in a dark spot to keep them tasting fresher for longer.

2. Opaque Jars

Manufacturers buy tinted or opaque glass jars or make their own by covering a glass container with black duct tape. Maintaining the freshness of the cannabis requires avoiding light exposure and controlling the temperature. Some people also choose to keep their cultivated cannabis in a clear jar in a dark place, in a lockbox, or wrapped in blankets.

Commercial Storage of Cannabis

  • Freezer

Many consumers and growers keep cannabis in the freezer for long periods of time, however, this is controversial because freezing causes the trichomes to become brittle and fall off, making the cannabis less effective. 

However, freezing concentrates is a fantastic alternative because it allows them to be stored for up to a year without losing quality or flavor.

If temperature changes occur, all surplus air is eliminated to prevent dampness. When concentrates are taken out of the freezer, they are allowed to slowly thaw at room temperature, as abrupt temperature fluctuations might alter the flavor or possibly damage the concentrate.

  • Glass Door Refrigerator 

This category is incredibly broad, encompassing hundreds, if not thousands, of food products that can be consumed orally. Any food containing the psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the non-psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD), or a combination of both is considered cannabis edible. 

Cookies, brownies, candies, gummies, chocolates, beverages, and handcrafted items are all examples of edible products.  

Cannabis products are stored in the same way as non-cannabis products are stored, whether at a retail location or at a manufacturing facility. So, just as manufacturers are selected for glass milk bottles wholesale for proper storage of milk, Cannabis can also be kept in custom eco packaging options.

Cannabis edibles, especially those containing oil, sugar, or flour, are kept in a commercial glass-door refrigerator. Treats are susceptible to mold and can spoil fast if left at room temperature, especially since most cannabis edibles do not contain a significant amount of THC. Edibles are susceptible to mold and can spoil quickly if left at room temperature, especially since most cannabis edibles lack preservatives.


This article discussed several storage methods of cannabis. Cultivators go to great efforts to ensure that the cannabis is packaged with the right amount of moisture, which is commonly done in opaque packaging to keep the light out. To assist keep freshness, several firms have begun replacing the oxygen in their packaged flowers with nitrogen.

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